Friday, April 1, 2016

Building a one and one half life size bronze horse and rider Part Three

This larger than life size bronze horse statue was sculpted in clay.  A mold was then made from the clay model and wax was poured into that mold.  The wax was then "invested" or dipped in a liquid ceramic slurry and coated with sand to create a thick, hard ceramic shell surrounding the wax.  That ceramic shell was then heated to remove the wax and molten bronze was poured into the hot shell.  The pieces of the cast bronze were then welded together and textured to erase any seam lines from the welding.
Kim then traveled a team of two master foundrymen, Dan Snarr and Trevor McEntire from Atlas Bronze Casting in Kearns, Utah to Abu Dhabi, UAE where they reassembled the bronze horse and rider, sandblasted, applied patina, and installed the Arabian bronze monument on site. 
We left off with the pieces of the monumental heroic size bronze being finished and sealed with patina...
Kim Corpany standing next to the finished bronze. The giant bronze horse and rider sculpture is now ready to be installed on the plynth or pedestal being prepared for it.
Giant Bronze Horse Sculpture ready to be moved.
Giant Bronze Horse Sculpture ready to be moved. Trevor is standing on the horses back awaiting the crane.

Lifting the 1 and 1/2 life-size bronze horse and rider onto the truck for transport to the front gates of Al Forsan.
Lifting the 1 and 1/2 life-size bronze horse and rider onto the truck for transport to the front gates of Al Forsan.

Trevor riding along with the Giant bronze horse
Trevor riding along with the Giant bronze horse to keep an eye on its safety as it is taken to the front gates for installation.
Once again the giant bronze horse statue is rigged to a crane.
Once again the giant bronze horse statue is rigged to a crane. This time an even bigger crane will lift it.
The bronze horse takes flight.
The bronze horse takes flight. The crane carries the statue over the front gates to the pedestal it will be placed on.
  The bronze horse sculpture being placed on the pedestal.
The bronze horse sculpture being placed on the pedestal.
Preparing to anchor the massive bronze horse and rider to the pedestal.
Preparing to anchor the massive bronze horse and rider to the pedestal.
Some of the workers who built the pedestal look on while Trevor prepares the pedestal for the anchors which will hold the bronze sculpture in place.
Now the bronze statue is ready to be placed and anchored down.
The artisans will clad the cement plynth with beautiful black granite with copper flecks in it. Meanwhile, this tall plywood wall is built around the bronze monument in order to conceal it until its unveiling.
The finished giant Arabian horse and the sheikh,
The finished giant Arabian horse and the sheikh,

The finished Al Forsan Bronze Monument of Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nayan galloping on an Arabian horse.  This monument is located at Al Forsan International Sports Resort in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

Lifting the 1 and 1/2 life-size bronze horse and rider onto the truck for transport to the front gates of Al Forsan.

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